Ty, the Rambling ArtistThe art of making drawing smiles and making connections, anywhere in the world.
Imagine if you will, its a brilliant sunny Sunday morning. You wake up refreshed from a long evening of making a crowd of smiles and you are eager to seize the day. What better way to Carpe Diem than to knock out those pesky 10,000 steps that we are all suppose to have at the end of the day? So you leash up your hyper energetic one year old lab mix and pounce out the door. A quicker than coffee pace down two flights of stairs and out into the bright warm sunny world.
You're being pulled by fifty plus pounds of canine energy. Tongue wagging with joy in the fresh morning air. The dogs tongue, not yours. At first its a strenuous isometric exercise, his energy pulling on your still, slightly sleepy human form. You strain your upper shoulders, arms, chest and back muscles for the first thousand steps or so. Then the pace begins to even out. “This is good for me," you think to yourself." I can feel my heart rate escalate to a reasonable workout rhythm.” Quickly passing the centennial asian couple holding hands in the park on the walkway, you and your canine partner are spreading joyful energy throughout the parkway. Waving to joggers, cyclists and of course the cute asian centennials. Its a glorious, joyful day. Hurray. Oh look, up ahead, a blue swallowtail butterfly, fluttering among the bushes. How pretty. Then just as you and fluffy come within fluttering flight space of said pretty blue swallowtail butterfly, your high energy fifty plus pounds of momentum instantly changes course on you to chase this beautiful natural distraction. Within a blink of your eye, your quick pace fast walking, sorta jogging pace takes an instant change of direction without warning. “Pop! Snap! Pain!” goes your shoulder as your canine partner now has jolted into a full forceful leap and bolting run in an opposite 160° direction. Instinctively you grab the now loose leash with your other hand as your current holding arm simply dangles in pain at your side. Your now stumbling through well kept shrubbery being dragged by your turncoat canine partner whose only goal now is to catch the butterfly. People are screaming, children crying the cute asian centennials are having a heart attack because of the chaos you and your demon dog of doom are causing in the public park on this once wonderful Sunday morning. You’ve easily ceded your goal of 10000 steps. You’ve exhausted your canine companion. The pretty blue swallowtail butterfly has fluttered off into the distance, with a certain smirk of joy on her face. You hobble home with an exhausted fifty plus pound puppy, You with your cuts and bruises and occasional twig or two in your shoe strings, your hair, your torn t-shirt and your worthless right arm, in pain, just dangling by your side, like a toy action figure whose shoulder stitch has come undone. There is not enough aspirin, ibuprofen, or wine in the house to ease the pain of not only your shoulder, cuts and bruises, but of your ego. The day started with a bright energetic ego of yours, convinced it would seize the day. Your ego was convinced it would become the model citizen in your neighborhood and do all the right things network society tells us is the right way to live. Your ego was ready to change the world, but now it’s damaged, wounded and suffering in a pain equal to your dislocated shoulder. Your egos only current helpful medicinal assistance comes from the very source of its damage. Your fifty plus pound energetic ball of fur and supreme muscle of a beast that caused this damage. Here your canine partner quietly, softly, gently rests his head in your lap with his sad puppy eyes looking up at you. As if he’s saying, “sorry, I didn’t catch that pretty blue swallowtail butterfly for you. Next time I will. I hope you feel better tomorrow, so we can do it again. " *This post was created with voice dictation.” It took forever.” Now I wish there was a voice dictation or an eye controlled digital drawing tool so that I could get my work done today.” Have a wonderful Sunday, Carpe Diem everybody, but leave the canines at home. Wouldn't it be great to see drawings and sketches from people as they visualize this story?
I have a hundred magician friends and I always admire their showmanship. All of them are, well for a better word, magical. The way they handle a small audience of strangers at their table side magic just wows me. I'm more enamored by the way they instantly gain the attention and respect of their small up close crowd of strangers. Its just wonderful stuff. Being a caricaturist that is often crowded and moved my strangers so much that I feel like I can't breathe, much less draw because I can't move my elbows,; I am always most fond of their ability to gain respect from the crowds. Oh and their crafty magic is something of legends as well. In fact, I recently started playing with the idea of creating a little magic of my own at some of my gigs; when appropriate of course. Recently I have developed a fun entertain event trick that is just as much fun to perform as it is for the audience to witness. I've learned to draw caricatures blindfolded. Yes, its crazy. Yes, its not necessary. Yes, its fun to attempt. Yes, its fun to watch happen live at events. Attached is a little 4 minute clip of an interaction with a young man whom I enjoyed visiting with very much before the real event started. It was a delightful event for Farm Bureau Insurance at the beautiful Omni Resort on Amelia Island. I hope you enjoy this little clip of sketching and drawing fun. Thanks for watching and please go into the world and make a stranger smile. What happens when you put seven caricaturists in a single room for a set up at a party and they have just met for the first time? Well a little something we called the "Caricature Machine." Check out this fun little video clip. Please and thank you and have a fantastic day. |
From Ty Walls:After four decades drawing smiles I often encounter remarkable people. I've learned to create little special moments for people from all around the world with my simple smile-drawing skills. But sometimes, life creates little magical moments for me. This blog is my attempt to share them with you. Archives
March 2020